BCI Award Categories
We have 13 categories for the BCI Awards, and we have updated all of them to match the KPI Question methodology and the BCI Competency framework. This change will help us recognize and celebrate the successes of our members and the resilience community, based on industry standards and best practices.
To learn more about what we are seeking in award nominations, please choose from the categories listed below.
Collaboration in Resilience
In this category, judges will be looking for evidence of how an organization has achieved a superior level of organizational resilience through the effective collaboration of complementary disciplines.
Applicants will need to provide evidence in all the following criteria, which are based on the BCI Good Practice Guidelines (Each criterion has a maximum word count of 200):
- Describe the organization, what it does, where it operates and its size.
- Why do you believe collaboration is a critical enabler in developing organisational resilience?
- Which disciplines have collaborated over the last 12 months within your organisation?
- How did you create an environment where the various disciplines felt comfortable working together effectively?
- What were the benefits to organizational resilience of the collaboration?
- Why does your organization deserve this award?
Continuity and Resilience Consultant
In this category, judges will look for evidence of exemplary consultancy skills, that have contributed greatly to improving clients’ continuity/resilience capabilities.
(Applicants must have a minimum of 2 years continuity/resilience experience)
Applicants will need to provide evidence in all the following criteria, which are based on the BCI Competency Framework (Each criterion has a maximum word count of 200):
- Ethics and values – Give an example of where you acted in the best interests of clients when developing their continuity/resilience capabilities.
- Leadership – Give an example of where you have had to engage with various levels of management and how you adapted your style to achieve a favourable outcome.
- Working with others - Give an example of where you have had to move a group from a current state to a desired future state and how you achieved it.
- Thinking and innovating - Give an example of where you have been presented with a challenging problem but were able to overcome it and find a suitable solution.
- The organizational environment - Give an example of how you evaluated the culture of a group you needed to support with their continuity/resilience work.
- Why do you deserve this award?
- Provide two client testimonials based on work undertaken within the last 12 months covering the impact you have made to increase their continuity/resilience.
Continuity and Resilience Innovation
In this category, judges will look for evidence of an extraordinary continuity/resilience product or service, including in-house initiatives.
Applicants will need to provide evidence in all the following criteria, which are based on the BCI Good Practice Guidelines (Each criterion has a maximum word count of 200):
- Describe what the product or service does, including when it was first introduced.
- What makes the product or service extraordinary?
- How will the product or service increase continuity/resilience capability?
- How did you determine the cost vs benefit of the product/service?
- Why does the product or service deserve this award?
- Provide 3 user testimonials within the last 12 months evidencing its originality and impact on increasing continuity/resilience.
Continuity and Resilience Newcomer
In this category, judges will look for evidence of an up-and-coming continuity/resilience star of the future.
(Applicants must have less than 2 years continuity/resilience experience)
Applicants will need to provide evidence in all the following criteria, which are based on the BCI Competency Framework(Each criterion has a maximum word count of 200):
- Ethics and values – Give an example of where your professional judgement was not taken seriously and what you did about it.
- Leadership – Give an example of where you have had to motivate your organizations or a client’s workforce to reach a continuity/resilience goal.
- Working with others - Give an example of where you have supported groups to help them become more effective.
- Thinking and innovating - Give an example of where you have solved a problem by thinking creatively.
- Give an example of how you evaluated an organization/group’s culture before engaging with them.
- Why do you deserve this award?
- Based on the last 12 months - Provide a line manager testimonial based on your continuity/resilience growth as a practitioner and the impact you have had on the organization.
Continuity and Resilience Professional (Private Sector)
In this category, judges will be looking for evidence of a dedicated, experienced and skilled professional who works for a private sector organization.
(Applicants must have a minimum of 2 years continuity/resilience experience)
Applicants will need to provide evidence in all the following criteria, which is based on the BCI Competency Framework(Each criterion has a maximum word count of 200):
- Ethics and values – Give an example of where you have had to defend your continuity/resilience beliefs and how you did it?
- Leadership – Give an example of your personal strengths and how you have used them to improve an organization’s continuity/resilience capabilities.
- Working with others - Give an example of where you have met a group for the first time but managed to build and maintain a positive working relationship.
- Thinking and innovating - Give an example of where you have had to think differently and use problem-solving strategies or a model to help find a suitable continuity/resilience solution.
- The organizational environment - Give an example of where you overcame negative continuity/resilience culture to achieve your objectives.
- Why do you deserve this award?
- Provide a testimonial from your organization. The evidence must be based on work undertaken within the last 12 months covering the impact you have made to increase continuity/resilience capability.
Continuity and Resilience Professional (Public Sector)
In this category, judges will be looking for evidence of a dedicated, experienced and skilled professional who works within a public sector organization.
(Applicants must have a minimum of 2 years continuity/resilience experience)
Applicants will need to provide evidence in all the following criteria, which are based on the BCI Competency Framework (Each criterion has a maximum word count of 200):
- Ethics and values – Give an example of when you have promoted continuity/resilience to your peers.
- Leadership – Give an example of where you have used negotiating skills to bring together opposing interested parties and reach a mutually beneficial outcome.
- Working with others - Give an example of where you have had to communicate key messages to others under a challenging situation.
- Thinking and innovating - Give an example of where you have had to solve a continuity/resilience problem whilst constrained by a tight budget.
- The organizational environment - Give an example of how you overcame apathy to gain interested party buy-in.
- Why do you deserve this award?
- Provide a testimonial from your organization. The evidence must be based on work undertaken within the last 12 months covering the impact you have made to increase continuity/resilience capability.
Continuity and Resilience Provider (Service/Product)
In this category, judges will be looking for evidence of a superior product or service supplier in the continuity/resilience environment.
Applicants will need to provide evidence in all the following criteria, which are based on the BCI Good Practice Guidelines (Each criterion has a maximum word count of 200):
- Describe the product or service, including when it was first introduced to the market.
- Describe what benefit the product or service brings to its users.
- What makes you as a provider different from your competition?
- How do you support after-sales users and deal with customer feedback?
- Why do you deserve this award?
- Provide 3 user testimonials based on sales within the last 12 months covering product or service benefits and aftersales support.
Continuity and Resilience Team
In this category, judges will look for evidence of an exceptional continuity/resilience team.
Applicants will need to provide evidence in all the following criteria, which is based on the BCI Competency Framework (Each criterion has a maximum word count of 200):
- What is the structure of the team and their continuity/resilience experience?
- How does the team approach their continuity/resilience activities throughout the organization?
- What makes the team exceptional?
- What challenges has the team faced over the last 12 months, and how have they dealt with them?
- How does the team’s leadership contribute to their exceptional performance?
- Why does the team deserve this award?
- Provide a top management testimonial based on work undertaken within the last 12 months covering the impact they have made to increase continuity/resilience capability.
Continuity and Resilience Volunteer (formerly Contributor)
In this category judges will be looking for evidence of a significant voluntary contribution to the continuity and resilience community.
Applicants will need to provide evidence in all the following criteria and demonstrate that the contribution had no monetary benefit to them (Each criterion has a maximum word count of 300):
- Describe the voluntary contribution you have made to the continuity/resilience community over the last 12 months?
- What positive impact has your contribution made to the continuity/resilience community?
- What motivates you to volunteer in the BC / resilience community?
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Ally / Champion of the Year
In this category, judges will look for evidence of a leader or organization within the continuity and resilience profession who demonstrates a passion for and commitment to developing and maintaining a diverse and inclusive industry.
(Applicants must have a minimum of 2 years continuity/resilience experience)
This is awarded to an individual to recognize their work in leading, sponsoring or championing the progress of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion within the resilience sector.
Applicants will need to provide evidence in all the following criteria (Each criterion has a maximum word count of 200) :
- Give an example of how you have worked to create a more equitable environment where diverse individuals can grow and flourish in leadership positions.
- Give an example of how you have acted as a role model and leader in championing issues related to DEI.
- Give an example of how you have motivated members of your team, organization or industry to seek a greater understanding of DEI principles and issues.
- Why do you deserve this award?
- Provide two testimonials based on work undertaken within the last 12 months covering the impact you have made to increasing DEI in the field of continuity/resilience.
Most Original Exercise Programme
In this category, judges will be looking for evidence of a pioneering exercising regime that robustly tests the organization’s continuity/resilience system.
Applicants will need to provide evidence in all the following criteria, which are based on the BCI Lifecycle PP6 Validation (Each criterion has a maximum word count of 200):
- Describe the exercise programme’s goal and objectives.
- What was the exercise programme’s scope?
- What made the exercise programme unique and stand out from others?
- What impact did the exercise programme have on improving continuity/resilience?
- Why do you deserve this award?
- Provide 2 exercise participants’ testimonials explaining what continuity/resilience benefits they gained as a result of taking part.
Most Effective Recovery
In this category, judges will be looking for evidence of how the organization recovered from a significant incident that had the potential to cause serious impact on their most urgent products or services.
Applicants will need to provide evidence in all the following criteria, which are based on the BCI Good Practice Guidelines (Each criterion has a maximum word count of 200):
- What was the date and nature of the incident?
- What was the impact on your organization’s product/service delivery?
- How did your organization recover from the incident?
- How did continuity/resilience planning help to prepare for the recovery?
- What lessons did the organization learn from the incident, and how have they been incorporated into the continuity/resilience programme?
- Why do you deserve this award?
Most Effective Supply Chain Resilience Strategy
In this category, judges will be looking for evidence of how an organization has ensured that its key suppliers have suitable continuity/resilience measures in place to maintain continuous supply.
Applicants will need to provide evidence in all the following criteria, which are based on the BCI Good Practice Guidelines (Each criterion has a maximum word count of 200):
- How did you obtain buy-in from top management and procurement to adopt a supply chain resilience approach?
- How did you determine your continuity/resilience requirements for key suppliers?
- How did you validate your key supplier’s continuity/resilience capabilities?
- How do you ensure suppliers, over the duration of the contract, maintain their required contractual continuity/resilience capabilities?
- What makes your supply chain resilience strategy worthy of special recognition?