In this category judges will be looking for evidence of a significant voluntary contribution to the continuity and resilience community.
Applicants will need to provide evidence in all the following criteria and demonstrate that the contribution had no monetary benefit to them.
- How many years of experience does the nominee have in the whole continuity & resilience industry?
- Is the nominee professionally certified, and if so, with which organization(s) and at which level?
- Describe the voluntary contribution the nominee has made to the continuity/resilience community over the last 12 months.
- What positive impact has the nominee’s contribution made to the continuity/resilience community?
- What motivates the nominee to volunteer in the BC/resilience community?
Each criterion has a maximum word count of 300.
When you are ready to submit please click on the below link and then fill out the application form. You will need to select the region you are entering on the form.