BCI Cyber Resilience SIG virtual event: Fake or Legit?

  • 13 Nov 2024

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The use of deepfakes to influence public perceptions and socially engineer people is on the rise and is so difficult to spot! From swaying national electoral campaigns through to scamming individuals out of a few hundred pounds, the advancement of technology has opened the door for threat actors to make all of us complete actions we might not normally do. Just how difficult is it to create a convincing deepfake of
someone of influence in your organisation? Surely it needs a seriously powerful CPU, a very well qualified cyber nerd and a huge budget? Join Nik Wileman, Head of cyber security awareness and training at National Grid, to discover how criminals are using technology against us and some top tips as to how you can spot when you are being scammed.

We look forward to welcoming you!


  • Nik Wileman

    Head of cyber security awareness and training, National Grid


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